Spencer and I are so excited about Radius kick-off tomorrow

morning at Southcliff! We just got back from a volleyball cookout at TCU where we got to reconnect with some of our students from last year and some new freshman! We have been praying all summer for these students that Christ would be the center of their lives and realize how amazing God is and that He worthy of worship and praise. We are so excited and blessed beyond we could have ever imagined to be part of what God is doing in these students! Be in prayer for a great semester as we lead these students and for our students and the student leaders!!
Some of our upcoming events that we are looking forward to:
Freshmen Sunday @ Southcliff- Aug. 31
Small Group Kick-Off- Sept. 7- 6-8pm
Service Project: Beautiful Feet- Oct. 17
Amplify (fall retreat)- Nov. 14-16