Today I'm offically at 11 weeks! Not really a milestone week, but only 2 more to go until I'm out of the first trimester and hopefully goodbye to nausea after that!! Recently I've found that the best remedy (for me anyway) has been dry honey nut cheerios!! I wish I would have discovered this a few weeks ago. So Spencer and I bought a huge box! I'm also getting really clumsy, I drop every thing I try to pick up or knock stuff over! As you can see the baby is revealing itself...a little. I'm really trying to push my stomach out so you can see, but hopefully in the next few weeks I won't have to. Spencer is really excited to finally see some evidence of the baby. Its still kind of surreal because I'm not showing really. Our college students are going to have a big surprise when they come back in the fall...I will be six months along by then! They are all really excited and can't wait 'til Nov.! Our next appt. is actually tomorrow, just a check up to see how I'm progressing. July 6th seems like an eternity away until we see how our baby again on the sonogram...that's when we will find out if its a boy or girl! Join Spencer and I as we pray daily for the baby's health and development...we know that God has fearfully and wonderfully made our child!!
Last weekend, Spencer and I flew to Nashville (I secretly want to move there!) for a national college conference (it was actually 2 conferences that overlapped and we went to both.) We mostly went to the sessions for church based collegiate ministry...which was a bit smaller only about 40 people. They had a wives session which was really refreshing to get to talk to other wives in the same situation I am in....4 out of 8

We have plans to move to a bigger apt. sometime in July to make room for our baby! I took Spencer to Babies 'R Us the other day and he was in complete shock! He had never seen so much baby stuff! He loved looking around though and helping me pick out some potential baby stuff! We won't register until we know if its a boy or girl...so sometime in July we will make the big trip to register! Can't wait!