Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thanks JBF!
Twice a year I look forward to a huge consignment sale in Fort Worth called 'Just Between Friends' (JBF). Its for moms who want to buy or sell gently used kids items--everything from clothes to toys, books and even maternity clothes. Last year we got so many great things for Seth at a really deep discount! This year I found some real steals! I got some clothes that he will def. have to grow into (which wont take long), some new toys, books and a 2 big items- an excersaucer and a playmat! Below is Seth enjoying his new toys! The next big sale is in late summer/early fall so hopefully he will be starting to pull up on stuff and then I can get him so bigger toys and maybe even some shoes!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"Cotton" was the nickname my memaw had from the time she was a little girl...and it stuck with her for her entire life. In fact we used to call her Memaw Cotton. She got this name because she used to have really blonde hair when she was little, so blonde in fact that it looked as white as cotton! She was born Dec. 12, 1920 as one of 8 children and entered into the presence of Christ Feb. 24, 2010...almost exactly 6 years after her papaw Joe, after which she was never really the same. Its hard to imagine life now without any grandparents. Beginning in 2004 I've lost a grandparent every other year up until now. I loved growing up with 4 grandparents who were always so loving and set such an amazing example of what godly people should be. When I was growing up my grandparents lived about 5 minutes apart which made it really easy to visit both of them pretty easily each time we drove down to see them...not to mention the good times at Thanksgiving and Christmas! My memaw would always make too much food and was such a servant anytime anyone needed more :) I remember she always had her fridge stocked with yummy stuff like sweet tea (which was amazing)and homemade cookie dough! When I was growing up she was such a good buddy! Whenever I would spend a week at her house she would always be such a good sport and play whatever I wanted. She would even let me bandage her up with ace bandages when I wanted to play dr. She never hesitated to get down on the floor with us kids and play just like she was one of us, she even jumped on my trampoline at the age of 70 when I got one for Christmas... I think that is a testimony to her adventurous/tom-boy like personality...yet she carried herself like such a lady! She also had an amazing sense of humor which is probably one of the best things I will miss about her. I am sad that she is no longer here, but also kind of jealous that she gets to be with Christ right now and worshipping him forever! Below is a picture of me when I was about 2 or 3 with my Memaw Cotton.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Texas "Snow" Day
This morning the Texas Plumlees woke up to snow! So by Texas standards we have a 'snow day.' We ask that all of our northern native friends not pass judgement on our TX snow day, we take what we can get. Strangely enough the Forth Worth and Dallas school districts did not close their schools, but alot of the other smaller districts did as well as TCU and Southwestern no class for Spencer today! But he did have to go into work but maybe he will get to come home early! We are supposed to get even more snow this afternoon and tonight! We took advantage of the snow and bundled up Seth and took pictures! He is not quite sure of it yet, but Im betting this time next year he will love it!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
3 Months
Dear Seth,
Mommy and Daddy cant believe you are already 3 months old! You are growing so fast right before our eyes. When we look back at pictures of you its just amazing how time is really flying by so quickly. In fact your 3-6 mo. onesie outfits are getting really snug and almost too short to fit you! You are gonna be long and tall like your daddy! You still like to be swaddled in your miracle blanket for naps and at nighttime. You are a little boy who loves his sleep, especially on your stomach...just like your mommy! You are successful at soothing yourself to sleep really quickly! You take about 3 naps a day or 2 if one is extra long. You are only able to stay awake for about an hour at a time before you start getting pretty sleepy. Your bedtime schedule is pretty strict and you are usually in bed between 6 and 7pm every night. We love it when you greet us with a smile and a giggle when you wake up, it truly melts mommy and daddys heart! You also love bathtime, especially putting your feet under the running water. You are a very hearty eater, right now you eat about 6 oz at every feeding time and an extra 4oz before your final bedtime to help you sleep a little longer. You only wake about about 1 to 2 times at night, usually at midnight and then again around 4am or 5am and start your day at 7am or 8am. Daddy loves to make you smile in the mornings and at night when he plays with you, I know he really treasures this time! You are not able to roll over yet, but you can successfully lift your legs and chest off the ground during tummytime, which you are not too fond of right now. You can really hold your head up for long time that is until it gets too heavy. Your back muscles are getting stronger too, pretty soon you will be able to sit up! You love to kick your legs while youre playing on your back, guess youre getting your crawling muscles ready! During playtime you love to play under your jungle gym and you can also grasp on to toys if we put them in your are also a pro and grabbing mommys hair! Speaking of your hands, this has been your most recent discovery. You put your hands in your mouth every chance you get, especially your right hand, so your daddy thinks you are going to be right-handed, but we will see. We are not sure how much you weigh but Im guessing it is close to 14 to 15 pounds. You definitely know who mommy and daddy are now and you smile at us whenever we come into your view. You can now follow us around the room with your eyes if we get up and move around. You like it when mommy sings and acts silly for you just to get you to smile and laugh. You are cooing more and more which brings us so much joy. We cannot wait to see how much you're going to change over the next few months to come. And before we know it we will be celebrating your first birthday...mommy will probably cry. Happy 3 month birthday Seth! We love you!
Mommy and Daddy cant believe you are already 3 months old! You are growing so fast right before our eyes. When we look back at pictures of you its just amazing how time is really flying by so quickly. In fact your 3-6 mo. onesie outfits are getting really snug and almost too short to fit you! You are gonna be long and tall like your daddy! You still like to be swaddled in your miracle blanket for naps and at nighttime. You are a little boy who loves his sleep, especially on your stomach...just like your mommy! You are successful at soothing yourself to sleep really quickly! You take about 3 naps a day or 2 if one is extra long. You are only able to stay awake for about an hour at a time before you start getting pretty sleepy. Your bedtime schedule is pretty strict and you are usually in bed between 6 and 7pm every night. We love it when you greet us with a smile and a giggle when you wake up, it truly melts mommy and daddys heart! You also love bathtime, especially putting your feet under the running water. You are a very hearty eater, right now you eat about 6 oz at every feeding time and an extra 4oz before your final bedtime to help you sleep a little longer. You only wake about about 1 to 2 times at night, usually at midnight and then again around 4am or 5am and start your day at 7am or 8am. Daddy loves to make you smile in the mornings and at night when he plays with you, I know he really treasures this time! You are not able to roll over yet, but you can successfully lift your legs and chest off the ground during tummytime, which you are not too fond of right now. You can really hold your head up for long time that is until it gets too heavy. Your back muscles are getting stronger too, pretty soon you will be able to sit up! You love to kick your legs while youre playing on your back, guess youre getting your crawling muscles ready! During playtime you love to play under your jungle gym and you can also grasp on to toys if we put them in your are also a pro and grabbing mommys hair! Speaking of your hands, this has been your most recent discovery. You put your hands in your mouth every chance you get, especially your right hand, so your daddy thinks you are going to be right-handed, but we will see. We are not sure how much you weigh but Im guessing it is close to 14 to 15 pounds. You definitely know who mommy and daddy are now and you smile at us whenever we come into your view. You can now follow us around the room with your eyes if we get up and move around. You like it when mommy sings and acts silly for you just to get you to smile and laugh. You are cooing more and more which brings us so much joy. We cannot wait to see how much you're going to change over the next few months to come. And before we know it we will be celebrating your first birthday...mommy will probably cry. Happy 3 month birthday Seth! We love you!