Sunday, March 28, 2010
And the award goes to....
SETH PLUMLEE FOR BEST SLEEPER!! Thats right our little boy slept through the night (or all the way to the end as I used to call it when I was little). This exciting event happened Friday night after a day full of fussiness! We put him to bed at 6:25pm and he slept until 7am!! However, just because baby slept through the night does not mean mommy did! It all started at about 3:30am when I heard him start to fuss, not cry but just fuss and kind of move around. Usually this ends up with him crying and needing/wanting to I got up and started making a bottle as usual. When I turned the water off, I heard him start to quiet down, so I just stood in the hallway outside his door for a while and listened for any sign of being awake...NONE! That booger went back to sleep! Ok so I took the bottle with me back to the bed and put it close to me so I would have it ready for when he did wake up. I just knew that as soon as I got back into bed and comfortable he would start crying and be ready to eat like he sometimes does...its like he knows! But he never did! However, mommy kept waking up every hour until 7am anticipating his cry. But he slept til 7am and was so happy when he woke up! Now I know that this will not be an everynight occurance, but here's hoping! He usually only wakes up once which is fine with me! Here's to a full night's sleep!!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Gran comes to Texas!
This past week Spencer and about 20 college students went to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip! They all slept on small mattresses and cots in a church without A/C, but they served with great attitudes. They got to share the Gospel with lots of kids, teens, college students and adults in schools, universities, shopping malls, and markets. Hundreds heard the Gospel, some for the first time and they saw 11 salvations! God is really doing some great things in DR! But while Spencer was out of the country his mom (Gran) came to Texas to hang out and play with Seth, who loved her company!! We went on walks, outtings to Grapevine, and Target! She also gave Seth a bath every night and played with him to her hearts content! We also got to see Aunt K when she came to Texas to run her half marathon! Below are some pictures of Spencer in Dr and Seth with his Gran from Tennessee!! Thanks for such a fun and special week Gran!!!
Spencer got to preach Sunday morning at a local church

Friday, March 5, 2010
4 months
Dear Seth-
Wow, as of March 4th you are now 4 months seems like only yesterday I wrote about you being 3 months old, time is really flying! You had your 4th month checkup at the dr. today but we took you to Einsteins Bagels before your appt. so mommy and daddy could have breakfast...we are trying to socialize you more and get you out in public to see and hear new things. Even though all of this was during your scheduled naptime time, you did really well. You now weigh 15lbs 11oz (75%) and are 26 1/4 inches long (90%)--we think you may be tall like your daddy. You also got 4 shots today which has made you sleepy and a little cranky and you just want mommy and daddy to cuddle with you. You also tried mashed bananas today, you didn't really know what to do with it, but you eventually figured it out and you loved it! You only eat solids once a day and still take a bottle at the other feedings--where sometimes you like to grab the bottle. We will try something different next week, maybe sweet potatoes.
You are a very curious little boy who really likes to look around at everything and see whats going on. So that means you are usually happiest when you are sitting up playing or playing in your excersaucer. You like try to stand on your feet (with the help of mommy or daddy) I guess it makes you feel like a big boy...maybe thats why you like your excersaucer so much, you can practice pushing down on your feet. You cant roll over yet, but the dr. said its ok and we don't need to worry for another couple of months or so. You can sit up unsupported for maybe a split second before falling over or falling forward. But you are also just content to sit in our lap and read a book or look out the window. Right now we are reading "where's baby's belly button?" and books about shapes and colors, as well as your baby Bible. We cant wait for the weather to get warmer so we can go for more walks in our stroller. You don't mind being in your car seat as long as you have your stuffed animal, "Patch." You are really cooing and babbling alot more and are making consonant sounds like "ba", "ma" and "da"--we hear this especially when you are playing with your toys, or when you are fussing. You are also very talkative when mommy changes your diaper, you also like to kick your legs alot when you're on the changing table. Your sweet smile warms our heart, especially when we hold you in front of our mirror, but sometimes you turn your head away or you bury your head in our chest like you are being bashful.
As for sleeping, you are doing great! Mommy and Daddy put you to bed awake but very tired anywhere from 6-7:30pm every night and you usually fall asleep pretty quickly and wake up one time anywhere between midnight to 3am then eat and then back to bed until 6:30am or 7am. You always take 3 naps a day which range from 1 hour to 3 hours! You still like to be swaddled to start off...everytime we go in to feed you or to wake up for the day, you have pretty muched ripped your miracle blanket to shreds by getting your arms and legs out. So for now we will keep swaddling you.
Wow, as of March 4th you are now 4 months seems like only yesterday I wrote about you being 3 months old, time is really flying! You had your 4th month checkup at the dr. today but we took you to Einsteins Bagels before your appt. so mommy and daddy could have breakfast...we are trying to socialize you more and get you out in public to see and hear new things. Even though all of this was during your scheduled naptime time, you did really well. You now weigh 15lbs 11oz (75%) and are 26 1/4 inches long (90%)--we think you may be tall like your daddy. You also got 4 shots today which has made you sleepy and a little cranky and you just want mommy and daddy to cuddle with you. You also tried mashed bananas today, you didn't really know what to do with it, but you eventually figured it out and you loved it! You only eat solids once a day and still take a bottle at the other feedings--where sometimes you like to grab the bottle. We will try something different next week, maybe sweet potatoes.
You are a very curious little boy who really likes to look around at everything and see whats going on. So that means you are usually happiest when you are sitting up playing or playing in your excersaucer. You like try to stand on your feet (with the help of mommy or daddy) I guess it makes you feel like a big boy...maybe thats why you like your excersaucer so much, you can practice pushing down on your feet. You cant roll over yet, but the dr. said its ok and we don't need to worry for another couple of months or so. You can sit up unsupported for maybe a split second before falling over or falling forward. But you are also just content to sit in our lap and read a book or look out the window. Right now we are reading "where's baby's belly button?" and books about shapes and colors, as well as your baby Bible. We cant wait for the weather to get warmer so we can go for more walks in our stroller. You don't mind being in your car seat as long as you have your stuffed animal, "Patch." You are really cooing and babbling alot more and are making consonant sounds like "ba", "ma" and "da"--we hear this especially when you are playing with your toys, or when you are fussing. You are also very talkative when mommy changes your diaper, you also like to kick your legs alot when you're on the changing table. Your sweet smile warms our heart, especially when we hold you in front of our mirror, but sometimes you turn your head away or you bury your head in our chest like you are being bashful.
As for sleeping, you are doing great! Mommy and Daddy put you to bed awake but very tired anywhere from 6-7:30pm every night and you usually fall asleep pretty quickly and wake up one time anywhere between midnight to 3am then eat and then back to bed until 6:30am or 7am. You always take 3 naps a day which range from 1 hour to 3 hours! You still like to be swaddled to start off...everytime we go in to feed you or to wake up for the day, you have pretty muched ripped your miracle blanket to shreds by getting your arms and legs out. So for now we will keep swaddling you.
You can definitely recognize mommy and daddy's faces. And I will have to admit that I love when you follow me with your eyes when I move around the room or when you look for me when someone else is holding you...makes mama feel special! You get scared and start to cry at really loud and unexpected noises. You can also get overwhelmed easily, especially on Sunday mornings if I take you to see all the college students because there is just so much going on. You stick out your bottom lip and starting whining so thats mommy's cue to take you down to the nursery to have your sweet Sunday School teachers love on you for about an hour. You also met your second friend this week, Hope. She is about 5 months older than you. You didn't quite know what to think or do at first and sometimes when you started to pout so did Hope. But you quickly got over it and were content just to watch her play with her toys and explore the living room. You would study her a little when she came and pulled up on my leg to see what you were doing. She's going to be a fun play friend! You are such a sweet spirited little boy who is growing so fast! And we are excited to see the young godly man you are going to become! Mommy and Daddy love you!! Below are some pictures of you so far at 4 months!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Seth met his first friend yesterday, Ethan Eaves who was born Feb. 8th! Neither one really had any idea what was going on but it was still cute! I will say that Seth was kind of cranky the whole time except for when I would hold him in front of the mirror and he would laugh, so that kept him pretty occupied. Spencer and I think its because he doesn't get out much around other people and places, so my new goal is to socialize him more! This Wed. he's going to meet Hope Spellman who is 7 months old. Last time Hope came to visit, Seth was asleep the whole time, so we are going to try again this week.