Seth turned 9 months old Aug. 4th (the day we left for Tenn. to see family). So of course we had to continue with or traditional monthly photo shoot with the blocks. We took a picture at home and also when we got to Tennessee, so Spencer's side of the family could be part of our tradition. Our curious guy can hardly sit still for even a minute before going after the blocks! So gone are the days are me trying to do the photoshoot alone...I usually have to have Spencer reposition him after every shot haha! But its still lots of fun to see how he has changed over the months! He started trying to crawl at the end of 8 months but really didn't get it down until about 9 months. Spencer's side of the family got to see him really crawl! He's also eating more table food like diced veggies and fruit, lots of whole grain bread, cheerios, and pieces of chicken. He will still eat some of his baby food, but really enjoys table food more! He of course will still take a bottle at times, but I think he is slowly weaning himself off. He had is 9 month checkup on Friday, he only had to get one shot and one blood test where the stuck his finger (they put a cute bandaid on his finger, of course he tried to take it off). He weighed in at 19lbs 15oz and was 28.5in. Our Dr. said everything looked great! Seth is also babbling and saying 'mama' (not always to me), this is accompanied by lots of drooling! He has 2 little teeth on the bottom and I think I see one about to come in on the top..which will look really funny until his other top one comes in too! He is going through a little bit of separation anxiety....where he doesn't like to be away from us or he cries for a short time when we drop him off at the nursery at church or a the gym child care. He is also pretty scared of strangers and gives them the pouty lip and usually starts to cry if they look at him the wrong about touchy! But it just takes him a while to warm up to people...I guess I can understand that. We cannot believe that Seth is already 9 months old...only 3 more months until his 1st birthday....which I am already planning for by the way!! Here are some 9 month pictures.

It was so hot one day and he was fussy, so I stripped him down--then he was perfectly happy!

Spencer trying to hold Seth back from getting the blocks so I could snap a picture

All dressed up and ready for church!