Monday, January 31, 2011
Steve and Julie
On a beautiful 'winter' day in Texas Steve and Julie let me practice my photography on them so I can build some kind of portfolio! Here are some of the shots below! Here's a link to my photography blog http://www.shelleyplumlee.wordpress.com/

Saturday, January 15, 2011
A Texas Visit
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Plumlee Chronicles of 2010
2010 was an exciting rollercoaster ride for the Plumlees filled with lots of excitment, a little sadness, and lots of fun! We are so thankful for all the blessings God has shown us this past year and we look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in 2011. Below is our year in pictures!
January 2010
-rang in the new year rocking a newborn baby
-New Years Day-made a trip to the Dr's office to find out Seth had a respiratory infection!
-Seth learned how to fall asleep on his own!
-TCU played in the Fiesta Bowl
-Seth saw his first Texas snow!
-My sweet memaw passed away
-We loved watching the Winter Olympics
-Seth is finally on a good nap schedule!
-JBF consignment sale!
-Seth's first plane ride (AA)
-Spencer's wonderful pawcaw passed away
-Spencer went to Dominican Republic on a mission trip with 10 college students
-Spencer went to Dominican Republic on a mission trip with 10 college students
-Spencer's mom (Seth's gran) came to Texas for a week
-Happy Easter- Seth's outfit, compliments of Gran!
-Spencer's 28th birthday
-Seth's first attempt at solid food-bananas
-Pictures taken in Texas bluebonnet flowers
-My first Mother's day
-celebrated our 2nd anniversary in San Antonio while gammie and papaw kept Seth
-Seth slept through the night for the first time
-Seth's first trip to Starbucks (he skipped on the coffee this time)
-started the summer off with Seth's first ear infection and first trip to the ER
-We all got sick within the first 3 weeks of summer
-lots of morning playdates with Hope and Leigh
-Seth celebrated his first July 4th by swimming in his floatie
-Pop and Gran come to Texas for a visit
-Spencer preaches 4 Sundays while Dr. Marr is on vacation
-Trip to Tennessee to visit family
-Seth learns how to crawl
-Seth only takes 2 naps instead of 3
-met with a realtor to start house hunting
-closed on our house on the 27th!
-started my one day a week job at Christ Chapel
-Seth's baby dedication at Southcliff
-Pop and Gran come to Texas for baby dedication
-JBF consigment sale--lots of great deals
-JBF consigment sale--lots of great deals
-Seth is consistently sleeping through the night
-Fall Festival at Southcliff
-Seth attends his very first birthday party for his friend Emma
-moved into our first house on the 1st
-moved into our first house on the 1st
-went camping in Mineral Wells with friends (cold!)
-Seth is weaned from the bottle!
-Seth's 1st birthday on the 4th (party on the 13th @Southcliff)
-Thanksgiving in Tennessee
-Mini-vacation in Cherokee Village, AR
-College ministry fall retreat in Glen Rose, TX
-Seth can now drink cow's milk (this is a big deal!)
-Christmas card pictures are taken
-Hosted our first party in our new house (Amber's wedding shower)
-TCU's graduation
-TCU is headed to the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1st
-Seth says goodbye to his pacifer!
-Seth can walk holding on with just one hand
-Christmas in Texas
-my birthday on the 23rd (received a DSLR camera!)
-attended Southcliff's 'Singing Christmas Tree' performance and Christmas Eve Service
-attended Southcliff's 'Singing Christmas Tree' performance and Christmas Eve Service