Well we finally have a walker! And let me tell you its been great, he can get to where he wants go with ease. His first steps were actually January 15th and just grew in confidence after that. At his 15month appointment he weighed 24lbs 3oz and he was 30.5in long. He is right on track and in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. He is on an interesting diet of toast, oatmeal, dry pancakes/waffles, bananas, applesauce, pudding, mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, crackers, milk and water---this is all due to him being a picky eater, it makes things interesting. He is also starting to use a spoon and a fork, on his way to independence! One my favorite moments so far of toddlerhood is finding random things in the fridge put there by Seth which includes: keys, magnets, tennis ball, and his toys! As far as sleep goes, he is down to one nap a day which usually lasts anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on the day. He also can a few words like dog, mama, dada, go, Jesus, ffff(fish), bbb (barney), kkk (car). However, he understands more words than he can say. This little boy is full of personality and has become very social and we are loving this new exciting and challenging stage!