My friend Leigh and I took Hope and Seth to a petting zoo at the Burleson Library...yes the library! They had a small area in the shade with goats and then a walk-thru barn with a donkey, a pig, a turkey and one other animal I can't recall because we had to run out fast (I will explain later). Seth seemed pretty content to keep his distance from the goats, but Hope had no problem picking up hay and giving it to them! (Her grandma has farm animals!) I had to hold Seth most of the up to the barn we go...and Seth is getting pretty anxious and his bottom lip is starting to stick out. And then....the turkey decides to gobble...loudly! Leigh and I both jump and Seth lets out a sad cry. I try to comfort him....the turkey gobbles again...and Seth loses it and we have to make a quick exit...whew! We laughed at the craziness of it all! We then made our way outside of the pen of animals to let the kids run around and play a little. Hope explored the dirt and Seth watched and laughed at her as he always does. Then....he runs around and trips onto the brick patio face first, I pick him....blood! His poor little nose is bleeding and his lip is busted up! I stay calm and find a rag to hold under his nose, all the while thinking to myself, 'I hope he didn't chip or lose a tooth!' He did not! (The last picture is of his poor little face). It was a fun and eventful morning and he ended up taking a great nap that day!