First Christmas for the newly married couples!
Alot has been going on in the Plumlee/Swofford Family!
Saturday, Dec. 6th my brother, Steve married a wonderful girl named Julie! Everything was perfect, including the weather! We also had the rehearsal dinner at the Parson's Table where Spencer and I had ours, it was great to be back there! I was one of three bridesmaids. And Spencer got to read a passage from Colossians during the unity candle ceremony!
My birthday is Dec. 23 and Spencer made sure it was special even though it is so close to Christmas! He kept the surprise a secret for about two weeks! Monday, Dec. 22 he called and told me to pack an overnight bag! I was pretty excited even though I had no idea where we were going! But I packed my bag and he came home with a new outfit he had bought for me to wear to Texas de Brazil where he took me to eat in downtown Ft. Worth! We then went to the Marriot Solana in Southlake where we stayed and then went window shopping in the Southlake Town Square! He then surprised me with a dinner with my family! What an amazing husband!!
Christmas Eve we took our "First Christmas Pictures!" I bought a tripod for my camera, so that made it a little easier. We took some in front of the tree, in front of our house and some at Seminary. We also went to the Christmas Eve service at church that night-it was more crowded than I thought it would be. That night we came home and made a gingerbread house which ended up being alot harder than we both thought, but was still really fun! Before we went to sleep we read the first part of the Christmas story from Luke 1.
Christmas morning we woke up really early and opened presents and had hot chocolate! We were so blessed by all the wonderful and thoughtful gifts from everyone! We then read the rest of the Christmas story from Luke 2! I spent the rest of the morning making a chocolate candy cane cake, which turned out pretty well considering it was the first time I had tried to make it. We went to my parents house about 1pm for lunch along with my brother and his new wife! Overall it was a great first Christmas at the Plumlee house--but, we did miss being in Tennessee very much this year! And hopefully we will see each other very soon!!!
Spencer and I are looking forward to the new year and what God has planned for us as a family and in ministry!!
I have posted some of the pictures that are related to the blog! ENJOY!