The cool mornings have been so great lately...Fall is here! This means new students and new freshmen to minister to! The past 2 weeks have been extremely busy at the Plumlee house...getting ready for 2 church fairs, planning a leadership retreat, meeting new students, planning a small group kick-off, job interview for me, Spencer preaching and getting ready for Spencer's trip overseas!
The church fairs were amazing..but very hot because of the weather! We handed out

about 200 free t-shirts with our ministry logo on them...and we had a huge stack of student info cards to do follow-up! During our freshman Sunday we had about 50 new freshman!

Our leadership retreat with our student small group leaders was so great! We got away to a ranch in Weatherford to hangout and talk about the semester!

The recent small group kick-off was a time for our leaders to get to know the other guys and girls in their group! It was a time of team-build

ing games, free food, prizes and hanging out! Again, note the fun pictures!
Today was a day that I have been in denial of for the past 2 months! Spencer and I left our house this morning at 3:30am in order for him to be on time for his international flight at 5:45am! The morn

ing was filled with coffee and last minute packing. While I was taking him there, he gave me a journal filled with an 8 day scavenger hunt! I am only allowed to read one per fun!! Isn't he great! For him, I made him 8 cards with the country's flag that he is going to with a verse and a note from me on each one! This was definitely harder than I thought...I keep telling myself he is just at the store or at work...hahaha...but I know great things are going to happen over there! But I have plenty of sweet friends that are keeping me busy! I can't wait to go in March! Here are some of the pictures from this morning!
On a personal note...I got a new job!! Its a full time position at Southwestern Seminary... only 3 minutes from home! I will be the Admin Asst. to the Reference Director! I start Monday Sept. 29th! Spencer and I have been praying for something closer to home and closer to where he is...also I will be getting a bonus that will go toward his tuition every sememster!
One last brother Steve is now engaged to a great godly girl named Julie! Date: Dec. 6, 2008!
This has been our life for the past few should slow down soon! But we are looking forward to the holidays where we can spend time with family and relax!
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