While he was gone Spencer gave me a journal that had an 8 day scavenger hunt...one for each day that he was away! Each day he gave me a hint about a gift that was either coming or that he had hidden in the house for me to find! Some of the gifts were flowers, a coffee mug, starbucks

This Monday, Sept 29th I will be starting my new job at Seminary! I will be working as the Admin. Assistant to the Ref. Director M-F from 7:30-4:30. I am a little nervous about my new routine, but it will allow me to see Spencer more during the day since he will be up there studying much of the time! So be praying for that adjustment, which I'm sure will be just fine.
Finally, we are looking forward to the upcoming weeks because Spencer will soon be ordained: October 12th!! Our families are both going to be there, so we are definitely excited about spending time with them!
God has also been showing us and giving us amazing friends over the past few months that really have been such a great encouragement to us and to the college ministry! This was such an answered prayer!! Thanks Heather and Wesley!
Reading this past week I have made this my prayer for Spencer, our college students and family:
"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ." -Phil 1:9-10