Yesterday I was 18 weeks (5 months)! I can't believe it! We are also counting down the days 'til July 6th! Our appt. was moved from 9am to 4:15pm, so if you don't get a call from us until later that night, don't worry we're not trying to keep it from you :) Tonight Spencer starts teaching at series called 'weird stories of the Bible'! Not much else to update on. Next blog will hopefully be about Seth or Paige!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Busy Travelers!

Celebrating our first anniversary in Glen Rose, TX

Spencer's first Father's day gift!
The month of June has been packed with so much traveling for us! Nearly every weekend has been filled...actually every weekend is filled! The first weekend we drove to Houston for a college ministry conference, the next week we left Thurs. for Memphis for Stew and Kassie's beautiful wedding where Spencer performed the ceremony...of course he did an amazing job! We got home from Memphis on Sunday and left the next morning for a week in Galveston for youth Beach Camp! Spencer and I were family group leaders for the upcoming seniors. Our team for the week was called the Vikings...the students made a flag and bandanas for us to wear during Rec time. There was also a costume contest one night where we had to wear something that portrayed the 'kingdom' which was the theme for the week. Spencer and I decided to be Burger King and Dairy Queen...and included the baby as Jack in the Box! Overall it was a great week....we connected really well with the upcoming college freshman for next year!
Right now we are living in a sea of boxes as we pack up our stuff and move next weekend! Spencer and I went to look at the new place and measure everything to make sure everything would fit and we think it will. Luckily we decided to get movers to haul all of our big stuff! I will post pictures as soon as everything comes together at the new place!
Only 2 more weeks until we find out if we are having Seth or Paige!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Little Ears
Just a quick little update...
Our baby can now hear! So, of course you know we are now talking non-stop to our baby throughout the day! Spencer talks to my belly every morning and every cute! In the mornings the baby and I have Bible story time and at night I put a little ear phone to my belly and put on soft music! Also I've been slowly out growing some of my shirts and am now in the market for more 'flowy' shirts and some smaller maternity shirts! I keep trying on materinty pants with no luck...Im still too small. So as of now I am at the 'in-between' phase. Our house is now filled with boxes and empty walls as we begin the slow process of packing up and moving to our bigger apt. in less than a month. We are excited about this weekend, Spencer will be performing his first wedding---his brother, Stew is getting married this Sat. in Memphis!
Continue to pray for our little baby's development and growth!
Our baby can now hear! So, of course you know we are now talking non-stop to our baby throughout the day! Spencer talks to my belly every morning and every cute! In the mornings the baby and I have Bible story time and at night I put a little ear phone to my belly and put on soft music! Also I've been slowly out growing some of my shirts and am now in the market for more 'flowy' shirts and some smaller maternity shirts! I keep trying on materinty pants with no luck...Im still too small. So as of now I am at the 'in-between' phase. Our house is now filled with boxes and empty walls as we begin the slow process of packing up and moving to our bigger apt. in less than a month. We are excited about this weekend, Spencer will be performing his first wedding---his brother, Stew is getting married this Sat. in Memphis!
Continue to pray for our little baby's development and growth!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
2nd Trimester

We have finally made it to the 'golden trimester'---the 2nd trimester. I definitely understand why expectant moms call it this. You actually feel normal and not sick! Today we are 15 weeks and 2 days and our little Seth or Paige is starting to make themselves known! This week our baby measures about 4.5 inches and weighs about 2-3 oz. about the size of a navel orange! His/her ears are positioned properly on the sides of the head and the eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front (they are still fused shut). Seth/Paige can now wiggle his/her fingers and toes and even suck a thumb! Even though I can't feel it yet our little blessing is working out--kicking, flexing and moving those arms and legs!! Spencer and I went to the Dr. again on Monday and got to hear the heartbeat again. It was 140 beats/min! The nurse immediately said, "I think its a boy." Spencer's reaction was an extatic 'YES!' Alot of times the lower the heartrate the more probability that its a boy...but only a few more weeks until July 6th and we will know for sure! Be praying that our little guy or girl will be in the right position. Good thing we will be busy with college conferences, weddings, and beach camp so we don't go crazy wondering what it could be! Our next few weeks look like this:
June 5-6--SBTC college conference in Houston (Spencer will be speaking in a few sessions!)
June 11-13--Memphis for Stew and Kassie's wedding!
June 15-19--Beach camp
June 26-27--Spencer goes to Ohio with SWBTS profs
July 2-4--move into our new and bigger apt.
July 5, 12, 19, 26--Spencer preaches on Sunday mornings!
July 6-- boy or girl? We find out!
We also enjoyed a fun weekend with Spencer's parents who made a quick trip to TX last was a couple of days filled with: Joe T's, frozen custard, water gardens, BBQ, and a playoff game (on TV)!! As of now I am filling my days will morning walks and slowly packing up our apt!