We have finally made it to the 'golden trimester'---the 2nd trimester. I definitely understand why expectant moms call it this. You actually feel normal and not sick! Today we are 15 weeks and 2 days and our little Seth or Paige is starting to make themselves known! This week our baby measures about 4.5 inches and weighs about 2-3 oz. about the size of a navel orange! His/her ears are positioned properly on the sides of the head and the eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front (they are still fused shut). Seth/Paige can now wiggle his/her fingers and toes and even suck a thumb! Even though I can't feel it yet our little blessing is working out--kicking, flexing and moving those arms and legs!! Spencer and I went to the Dr. again on Monday and got to hear the heartbeat again. It was 140 beats/min! The nurse immediately said, "I think its a boy." Spencer's reaction was an extatic 'YES!' Alot of times the lower the heartrate the more probability that its a boy...but only a few more weeks until July 6th and we will know for sure! Be praying that our little guy or girl will be in the right position. Good thing we will be busy with college conferences, weddings, and beach camp so we don't go crazy wondering what it could be! Our next few weeks look like this:
June 5-6--SBTC college conference in Houston (Spencer will be speaking in a few sessions!)
June 11-13--Memphis for Stew and Kassie's wedding!
June 15-19--Beach camp
June 26-27--Spencer goes to Ohio with SWBTS profs
July 2-4--move into our new and bigger apt.
July 5, 12, 19, 26--Spencer preaches on Sunday mornings!
July 6-- boy or girl? We find out!
We also enjoyed a fun weekend with Spencer's parents who made a quick trip to TX last weekend....it was a couple of days filled with: Joe T's, frozen custard, water gardens, BBQ, and a playoff game (on TV)!! As of now I am filling my days will morning walks and slowly packing up our apt!
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