Here is a list of stuff coming up this semester: (this doesn't include other random college events that may come up as they always do)
August 27th-28th: Frogapolooza and Church fair at TCU
August 28th-30th: Leadership retreat
August 30th: Radius kick-off
Sept. 13th: Small group kick-off
Oct. 4th: Parent's weekend at TCU and Sunday at Radius
Oct. 23rd: Ministry to the Homeless at Beautiful feet
Nov. 6th-8th: Amplify (fall retreat)
Dec. 12th: Radius Christmas Party
Spencer starts his PhD seminars again on Tues (25th)! There will be plenty of reading and writing papers in our future!
In baby news...Spencer and I went to a 'Baby Basics' class last week at Baylor All Saints downtown where I will be having Seth. It was actually pretty informative (plus they served cookies and bottled water...always a plus!) Each couple had to hold the fake baby the whole time (3 hours) to get us used to having a baby to take care of. We learned bathing, swaddling, diaper changing, CPR etc. We are scheduled to take a full CPR class and a labor class soon. Seth is still quite the kicker! He moves alot, especially at night. I now have to sleep with an extra pillow to get comfortable. Spencer was talking to Seth the other day and he started kicking where his voice was! Im starting to feel the weight of Seth (who is now a whopping 2 pounds)! Starting to feel it in my back...oy! Our little boy is now starting to open his eyes, not that there is a whole lot to see, but exciting none the less! I am predicting hazel eyes.

1 comment:
I work at Baylor All Saints Downtown. You will have to let me know when little Seth arrives and I can come over and see you and the little one. Sounds like you have a very busy fall schedule. I really would like to get together sometime and catch up. You look so cute and tiny!!!
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