he looks kinda scared- you can tell his size because spencers shorts are the black things right next to him

Well its hard to believe that Seth is already one month old. The individual days can sometimes drag on, but overall the time is flying by. We have had a few 'hiccups' over the past few weeks. Spencer had to take me to the ER a few weeks ago where I was told I had 2 kidney stones! Our sweet neighbor Melinda (who is a nurse) watched Seth until my parents could get there. When we walked into the ER we saw our pastor sitting there... the last person I was expecting to see there. He was visiting someone b/c he was obviously not in any type of pain. After I was released they put me on pain meds and Seth and I headed to my parents house so they could help me take care of him while I was heavily medicated. My mom (Gammie) and my dad (papaw) were a little spoiled after seeing him for such a long time. And I got spoiled having so much help 24/7. I ended up staying for about a week which was killer for Spencer and I to be apart. But he was so good, he came to see us every day after he got off work. I am feeling much better and have discovered so much about seth over the past few weeks, here's what has been happening:
-we have switched bottles, we now use the playtex drop-ins which have really helped with his gas
-he loves to be in the sling- mommy loves it too so she can have both hands free
-he has made great strides in the sleeping dept! he now sleeps in his crib--swaddled of course.
-he loves singing and playing with mommy and daddy in the morning and doing hand motions to different songs
-when being held, he somehow knows when you try to sit down---and politely tells you to stand back up by doing his tyridactile screech!
-when riding in the car, once we hit 60mph all scream ceases...oh but we hate sitting at red lights
-he is a good eater--4 oz every 2.5-3 hours
-he is losing the hair on the top of his head but still has a small patch on top--looks kinda funny
-the 3-6 month onsies fit him perfectly with a little room to spare
-he now has those cute arm and leg rolls---when do those stop being so cute
-the greatest milestone of all is that last night he slept for 3 hours straight in his crib, then 2, then 2 again---it was a glorious night for us all!
Spencer has been the model husband and dad and has been so helpful with Seth and with stuff around the house---I couldn't have asked for better. Seth also has about 50 or 60 new admirers--aka all the girls in the college ministry just love him. He was passed around all night at the Christmas party.
Seth loved getting to see his Gran and Pop (spencers parents) and his uncle stew and aunt K from Tennessee a few weeks ago and stayed up all night with seth so mom and dad could sleep!!!! He can't wait to see great Gran and pawcaw and other family in just a few days! Pray for our car ride to Memphis---it could get a little crazy!
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