Saturday, September 4, 2010
The big 1-0!
Yes our little guy is 10 months old today!! I celebrated by going to JBF and getting him a few new toys and some winter clothes at such a bargain! At 10 months old Seth would rather be standing up than just about anything...well other than eating (he loves to eat!) He is such a fast little crawler these days---this is also his main mode of getting around. Lately, he gets excited and sqeals when he sees people he recognizes or when he sees other kids! He still takes 2 naps a day and is sleeping through the night usually from 6:30pm-6:30am (give or take 30 min) with a night waking usually around 3 or 4am but goes right back to sleep (usually). Some of his favorite foods include: fruits/veggies, meatballs, noodles, applesauce, yogurt. Actually I have yet to find a food he absolutely hates, however Im sure that will change. His personality is really starting to shine! He is a very cautious and shy baby. He is scared of new people and will bury his face into my neck or just turn his face away! I am betting he will be one of those toddlers that hides behind my leg whenever I try to introduce him to someone new. However, once he warms up to a new person, he is all smiles! A new accomplishment that Seth likes to show off is his ability to clap. You can't always hear it but you can see that he is trying to clap his hands together, he loves it! He is also learning the word 'no.' And I will have to say he usually stops when we say 'no' but sometimes he smiles and we have to keep a straight face so he knows we're not playing. As of late his favorite toy is a cup from the kitchen! He likes to stick his face in it and babble so he can hear it echo! What a boy! Hard to believe his birthday is just 2 short months away!! If I can recall this time last year I was getting his nursery ready and putting a crib and changing table together....time has flown by this year!!

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