Only one more month until our little Seth is a year old!! Its hard to believe how fast its going! This also may be the final attempt at a photo shoot with the blocks. Trying to get an 'almost toddler' to sit still for pictures and not touch the blocks....MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. Gone are the days when I used to sit him down and he didn't move and I could snap picture after picture...he's a little boy, what more can I say...he's on the move! You can see the frustration in his face as the pictures progress. My mom tried to help but he was just to fast for me. He is such a happy little boy and is still a pretty good sleeper, although he is fighting sleep a little bit more these days, which I hear is pretty typical of this age. He loves loves loves to eat....anytime, anywhere, anything!! He is getting more and more verbal....his words now include uh-oh, mama, dada, along with other various combinations of sounds that make no sense whatsoever, but we know he understands so much more than what he can actually speak! He understands: dog, swing, bath, nap, eat, backup, no, Seth, mama, daddy, water, come, hi. Right now he is VERY clingy and hates to be where I am not, which makes it harder to get things done, but I find things to keep him busy. He is not walking yet, but is a crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything! We can't wait to see what this month hold for him! Enjoy the attempt at getting this months pictures!
Already getting off to a bad start
getting frustrated

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