Friday, October 15, 2010
Little Social Bug
For the longest time my friend Leigh has been telling me about a special time at the Burleson Library that they have every Friday morning for babies, but our schedule never allowed for it for some reason or another. Today I was determined to take Seth and meet Leigh and her little girl Hope (who Seth just loves!) The story time only lasts about 10 min or so but then they put a basket down on the rug and just let the kids play. Seth sat pretty still during the story and was pretty interested whenever the storyteller would make animal noises from the book she was reading. But I was really surprised by how he just got in the middle of everyone when the basket of toys/books/balls were put out in the middle! Maybe he's more social than I thought! (he's the one in the orange shirt and brown pants). The last picture is just for fun...Hope just got up from a nap and is not at all interested in Seth even though he's offering her his water!

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