Friday, January 22, 2010

Mr. Sandman...bring me a dream....

Spencer doing the 'father Abraham' song with Seth
About to go outside

not quite sure about that purple bird

He loves to stick his foot in the running water

I got this picture idea from a girl at our church- Mandy Moots

Good news! Seth can now soothe himself to sleep at night as well as at naptime if I put him down awake but sleepy. I still hold him and soothe him for awhile before I put him in his crib to help him wind down. But he's pretty much put himself on a schedule of bedtime between 6-6:30pm, sleep for 5-6 hours, eat, sleep for 3-4 hours, eat, sleep for 3-4 hours usually for a total of 12-13 hours a night with 3 naps a day all while in the comfort of his 'miracle blanket.' The scariest part of all is that Seth absolutely WILL NOT sleep on his back or his side but his stomach! He is a stomach sleeper which scares me so much, but I also keep a fan running in his room to keep the air circulating. But he is able to successfully turn is head back and forth easily so that makes us feel a little bit better. He has become such a good sleeper now that we ventured to put him on his stomach. I know it goes against everything that they say now days, but my mom put us on our stomachs along with the rest of the moms of that generation. This is what works best for him, so we are going with it.

At our last Dr. appointment he weighed in at 12 lbs. 7 oz and was 24 in. long! So he's a growing boy! Even though he has been out of newborn clothes for a few weeks, I finally put them away and it made me sad to think how fast he is growing right before our eyes! He is now 0-3 month clothes and can also fit in some 3-6 month clothes as well!

Spencer is in the final home stretch of his actual classes for his PhD at seminary. He will offically be finished with classes in Dec 2010 and will then move on to taking his comprehensives and writing his dissertation! The college ministry is amazing! We have average about 100 every Sunday and we took 60 leaders to Great Wolf Lodge for a leadership conference last weekend which was incredible! I definitely recommend Great Wolf Lodge if you have kids, you can go on a vacation there and never have to leave the hotel, there's just so much to do!
In a few short weeks Spencer will be taking a group of about 30 college students to Domincan Republic on a mission trip. While our other adult leaders David and Lynn will be taking a group of about 60 to Panama City, FL to Beach Reach. Keep these groups in your prayers over the next couple of months as God prepares their hearts!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Coo-Coo Ca Choo....

Enjoy some recent pictures of our family as well as some updates!
sitting in our bumbo seathe loves playing with his toys!

he like sticking out his tongue

doing a little tummy time

with his beautiful aunt K

getting some time with uncle stew

with his (2nd) cousin nicole

being spoiled by his Gran

loving Christmas

with his great aunt Malissa

in one of his Christmas outfits!

playing with aunt k and uncle stew

with Gran-Gran

first Christmas in TX

aunt Julie and uncle Steve

Christmas in TX

Ready for TCU to play in the Fiesta Bowl!

...these are the noises that are now filling our house...the "coos" of our sweet little 2 month old Seth. Unfortunately we rang in the new year with a sick little boy. I took him to the dr on new years day to find out that he had something called RSV...which is code for some kind of cold virus. Since he is so young and it was a virus all we could to was give him breathing treatments. Most of the time he did really well with them, and it relaxed him a lot. He is still coughing every once in a while but nothing like he was. He is also getting his appetite back slowly but surely...which will also help him sleep too. The one night Spencer took him all night was the night Seth decided to break his all-time sleep record of 6 hours straight! Usually he wakes up every 3-4 hours or so. We also invested in something called a miracle blanket which is like a super swaddler that he can't wiggle out of so he can't wake himself up! We've also established a pretty good bathtime/nighttime routine...he loves the warm water and also his head being washed! Here are some of the 2 month milestones of Seth Plumlee:
-cooing more and more

-smiling more

-sleeping longer

-staring more intently at faces

-better head control

-playing with his mobile and rattles on his baby einstein mat
-he loves playing on his changing table by looking up at the pictutres on the is a pic of spencers family!

-he hates being in his swing....for now hopefully

-he stares intently when Dora the explorer is on
Christmas was especially fun this year...esp. with a baby!! He had perfect timing while trying to take a picture...right before my mom took it, he decided to spit up all over his cute outfit! We wiped him off and took it anyway. His uncle steve and aunt julie loved seeing him again! We also braved an 8hour trip to Tennessee...which turned out to be pretty good. We only stopped 3 times on the way, each time was to feed him, eat and gas up!! Everybody loved seeing him!! He def. got passed around alot which was good for us to have some free hands! Spencers mom was really good with him and helped out alot esp. at night!! His ncle stew and aunt K def. loved playing with him and holding him whenever she could....she was so good with him! Pop (spencers dad) one morning made him smile more than I had ever seen before! He also got to visit with his great grandparents too, gran-gran and pawcaw--they absolutely fell in love with him!