Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Cuties

Both boys got to experience being on stage front and center! Noah as baby Jesus at our church Singing Christmas Tree performance and Seth's Christmas program at school. Noah did great in both services on Sunday! He actually fell asleep on stage the first service and yawned through the second service. Over the last few weeks Seth has been practicing his songs at school and I have been trying to work with him here at home and really talk up the program. In my mind I could really see it go really well (where he stayed on stage and sang) or really bad (where he sits down or runs off the stage or cries and puts his hands over his ears). Seth did GREAT! He sang the songs and did some of the motions. I was so proud of him! Afterwards their class had a little party and next week on the last day before the holidays, he gets to wear his PJs to school! Also on this past Monday we got our first "snow" more like a light dusting that lasted only a few hours in the morning.  Seth loved seeing it on his slide and playgroud.  We went outside for all of 5 was just too cold!

Here is a link for a video of Noah's perfromance:

Mary (McKynna) and Joseph (Zach) with baby Jesus (our Noah)

Noah front and center

Noah as baby Jesus

the wise men coming

all the wise men and stable boys

worshipping baby Jesus

Seth's program-he's on the front row in red on the far right

Seth's program- doing some motions

clapping for himself

getting a little shy but still doing great

Seth's program

Seth's program- I think he's about done

our first "snow"

sweet Noah all bundled up ready to go shop with Mama

Monday, December 10, 2012

Noah- 3 months

We are already 1/4 of the way to Noah's 1st birthday ?! Crazy to think that way but its true and time is just rolling right along. Noah's little neck and back muscles are getting stronger everyday! He's no longer what you would call a "bobble-head." He's really starting to giggle and smile even more! He's still a great sleeper and lwakes up once or twice a night. He loves to try and smile and play during his nightly feedings, but I have to try really hard not to smile back so he doesn't think it's play time. We love our sweet easy going blue eyed baby!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tennessee Thanksgiving

This year it was our turn to go to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. We loved seeing all the foliage still on the trees since we don't get to see much of that in Fort Worth. Seth had a great time and everyone loved getting to see Noah!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Seth

Three years has gone by so fast! Granted some days seemed longer than others but all in all three years has flown by! Seth is becoming more and more of a little boy every day- embracing his love of cars, trucks, and rough housing with dad!  Not to mention declaring his independence with the phrase "I wanna try" meaning he wants to do it without help.  I am only hoping he has this same attitude about potty training in the weeks to come!  On his actual birthday we let him open his gift from us- a race track which he loved and he got to take cupcakes to his school to share with his friends.  The next weekend Pop and Gran came and drove all night to come to Seth's party and Noah's baby dedication.  We had the party at the church on the playground and in one of the Sunday school classrooms.  We had a total of about 80 people there including about 30 kids! Seth was a bit overwhelmed with all the gifts but we helped and he did great and said thank you for each of his gifts.  Thanks to my mom who made the extra party food! Thanks to Gran for holding Noah during the party, I know that must have been a rough job!  The next morning Noah had his baby dedication in front of the church.  The whole weekend was great!
opening mom and dad's gift

he loved his race track from mom and dad

look who's 3

seth's birthday cake- cars theme

gift table before the party

bounce house on the playground

pop and gran with noah

thank you pintrest and mom for this idea

the cake and pizza table

opening gifts

opening gifts

more gifts

singing seth happy birthday

blowing out the candles

gran and noah

playing with one of his gifts

noah's baby dedication