Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Labor of Love

Here's the birth story of Seth and lots of pics below:

He was born Wed. November 4th at 5:38pm

Spencer and I and pretty much the whole college ministry was praying the Seth did not come the weekend of Nov. 6-7 because we had a fall retreat in Glen Rose that weekend! However, on Monday the 2nd, I got some early indications that it could be sooner rather than later. I didn't freak out too much because I had a dr.'s appt wed. the 4th anyway. Tues and Wed. my braxton hicks contractions were getting more frequent and somewhat more painful and I was carrying my watch everywhere to time them. Anyway, Spencer and I went to my dr.'s appt nov. 4th at around 9am (by then I was 37 weeks and 1 day....technically full term) and my dr. said, 'well i think you're in early labor and you'll probably have a baby today!' She said you can check into the hospital now or you can go for a walk (it was absolutely beautiful that day) and grab lunch. Spencer and I were beyond excited, it was surreal, like this was actually gonna happen today...we were having a baby TODAY! So we ran home really quick to grab last minute things, ran to wal-mart to get a memory card for the video camera we just bought the day before....then we went to walk on Trinity Trails by TCU (spencer videoed us walking and was talking to Seth on the video :) and then went to eat at Panera Bread (one of our fav spots)....I just had a smoothie and was busy timing my contractions...by now it was about 11:30am. We went to the hospital...to triage first, to make sure that I was far enough along to be checked in...I was (I was at a 5 by now, and not really in that much pain) and the process of getting me all hooked up to machines began. I was now about 12:30pm. We got into our delivery room...which looked more like a hotel room...it had 2 flat screen TVs! (Everybody loves Raymond was on while i was giving birth haha) We had great nurses...especially Ms. Jackson (she was a big black lady that was pretty funny and really knew what she was doing). Got my epidural around 1pm...honestly that was the worst part...I mean really a needle into your spine...didn't hurt, just stressful. But it worked...really well. I would bottle it and sell it if I could! Another hard part was just waiting for me to progress. I eventually got petocin...which sped things up so fast. Oh and Spencer was giving video updates about every hour (he kept it all G-rated). Well about 5:20-ish pm I was ready to push. I did about 3 sets of 3 pushes and that was it! He was born at 5:38pm! I didn't expect it to go that fast! But I was so excited to see his face...I couldn't believe he was here..our little boy! 6lbs 2oz. 19.25in long....and growing!

Our first walk around SeminaryThis is where he sleeps for now

haha he looks bored here

still a little small for his swing

just cuddling with my little boy

getting some daddy love

he obviously does not like going to the Dr....but who does

he love his daddy!

Our little boy is here!

close up shot

proud dad!

me holding Seth for the first time...he was obviously happy to see me, he just couldn't contain himself!

me in the middle of a contraction and waiting for the epidural to kick in

my last day to be pregnant...on the way to have Panera Bread to eat lunch and then head to the hospital

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