Dear Seth-
On April 4th (Easter Sunday) you turned 5 months old! This past month has got to be the biggest as far as milestones go. You love reaching and grabbing for anything you can get your little hands on. Your favorites include: the remote, your yellow giraffe, the laptop, the spoon mommy feeds you with, and your books. You're feet are now flat when you are in your excersaucer...a month or so ago you were on your tip toes! We had to take you to the dr. for spots on your head which have cleared up and we found out you weigh in at a whopping 16lbs. 15 oz. and you are still in 6-9 months clothes! You go back to the dr. in about a month for your 6 mo. checkup! You are also rolling from your back to your side and you are so close to rolling all the way over.
Mommy is really ramping up the solids this month. You didn't really take to them last month, so we just held off for a while. Right now your favorites are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and open your mouth like a little baby bird for these foods! You don't really care for bananas right now, but we'll try again later.
You are still a really good sleeper- you take 3 naps and usually only wake up once at night. However, we've started to try something new during naps--not swaddling. You now sleep in your sleep sack and since your arms aren't swaddled mommy gives you a blanket to hold, which has worked ok so far. We still swaddle you at nighttime in your miracle blanket and probably will for the next week or so until you get used to not being swaddled.
You also are so much more verbal and love to make all kinds of noises. Our favorite has been your little growl (which we got on tape and love to watch over and over). You also like to blow bubbles and raspberries with your mouth. You love to go on walks with mommy just about everyday...pretty soon we will get you a jogging stroller and then you can come running with mommy! You love being outside! You still are not mobile yet, but we know you will be a happier baby when you are. And the biggest milestone this month is that you can sit all by yourself for a long period of time! You are happiest when sitting up or when we are helping you stand up.
Below are some pictures so far of your 5th month!
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