His newest facination is with his feet. When he is on his back he grabs his feet the first chance he can get! Once we caught him sucking his big toe while Spencer was trying to change him! All the rolling and foot grabbing make changing his diaper pretty fun....like trying to contain a floppy fish out of water!
Feeding time with our little wiggler is especially fun, its like trying to hit a moving target (as my mom says)! He's got quite the appetite and will eat anything we give him (well any baby food that is). He's still taking a bottle or half a bottle at every meal and also baby food too, usually followed by a little bit of water from his sippy cup! I will say that pears are his favorite and green beans his least favorite, but he still eats them but just shivers and makes a funny face after every bite!
He's still a good sleeper and only wakes up once at night to feed! We removed all the blankets and stuff that were hanging from his crib because he started to pull them off and onto himself (see pic at the bottom)! Its also exciting to see what kind of position he gets himself into after a nap or in the morning after he wakes up (there's a pic of one of these times). I have also retired the swing due to the fact that he almost rolled right out of it by lifting his feet over his head! Luckily I was standing right there to catch him!
But I think that his little voice is the thing that has changed the most. His cry and his whiny voice seemed to have changed overnight. It sounds more raspy and a lot less like a tiny baby.
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