Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Birthday Boy!

I cannot believe we are the parents of a 1 yr old! The year has gone by so fast, but some of the days and months seemed longer than others with all the teething, ear infections, and the time changes! I'm not sure about his height and weight since his next appointment is after Thanksgiving, but I'm guessing he is about 22lbs (at least that's what he feels like). The night before Seth's birthday Spencer and I were so excited...we watched Seth's newborn videos and cried like babies! It was hard for me to watch them because I remember being so scared and clueless as a new mom. But we have successfully raised our first little baby! (2 more to go, Lord willing).
We have had 2 big accomplishments with Seth as of late....he is now on cow's milk and is no longer taking a bottle!!! He loves drinking from his sippy cups and his cup with a straw. Tonight as I was doing his usual nighttime milk with him, he took a sip from the straw then held it up to me so I could have a drink! I couldn't help but laugh. He is still a great eater and will eat just about anything you give him. He really likes to feed himself, so I always make sure there's at least one thing he can on his own. Some of his favorites include: PBJ sandwich, green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, cheerios, chicken, cereal bars, flavored applesauce...you get the idea.
He is still taking 2 naps a day, but he is able to stay up alot longer between them. And since the time change, we try to put him to bed for the night around 7pm. Apparently he missed the memo and has been trying to get up anywhere between 4:45am and 5:30am--mostly he just stays in his crib and plays until one of us comes to get him at 6 (the earliest).
Nov. 4, 2010 went something like this:
Seth gets up...mommy takes a picture
Birthday breakfast at home with momma and daddy: cupcakes, milk and ice cream (the breakfast of champions!)
Lunch- at Chick fil A- he loved getting to play on the playground
Afternoon- playing at the park all afternoon and 1 year/Christmas photoshoot!

His little personality is really starting to show...he's understanding more and more words everyday and also more sign language too! As of now he can say the words mama, dadda and dog (but it sound like "gog"). He's still not walking but is crawling animal and is pulling up on everything. He is even getting a little brave these days because he is starting to walk along the couch and the ottoman! Walking is just around the corner Im sure!
Here is the link to look at our newest family pictures-- its the ones where we are wearing black and red. Thanks Melanie Hairston (one of our college students) for taking these!
wake up little man-- its your birthday!
The perfect breakfast!

He's not really sure what to do with the cupcake

He quickly figured out what to do!

MMMMM sugar for breakfast!

This is the best I could do with this #1

playing hide and seek with daddy around the couch

swinging in the park

he loves this thing...he just bounces and bounces!

He loves to climb!

He was giggling and laughing the whole way up

mommy his holding on tight

going down a twisty slide!

practicing our walking!