Monday, April 14, 2014

Mother's Tea

I love this time of year at Seth's preschool! They have a special day for mothers and will then have a special day for dads in May.  We had just been at the lake a month when he did this last year, so I have been looking forward to it again this year.  Mother's Tea is a special time for moms at the school.  The kids put on a little program, complete with a skit and a few songs! So cute! After the performance we get to sit and drink tea (or juice), eat cookies and fruit.  Then we got our pictures taken with our kids that will go in their scrapbooks that they will get on the last day of school.  Below are some videos that I took of the program.  Just click on each link to watch the different parts.  Seth was one of the mice in the program and is the 4th kid from the right in the light brown costume. 
Mother's Tea part 1:
Mother's Tea part 2:
Mother's Tea part 3:
Mother's Tea part 4:
Seth is a little mouse in the Noah's ark skit

Noah's ark skit

He loved doing all the motions

He was so fun to watch

The kids got to see baby chicks afterwards

looking at baby chicks

the kids walking in- so cute in their costumes

all the kids- seth is 4th from the right in light brown

Noah's ark skit (seth 4th from right in light brown)

Noah's ark skit and songs

singing songs

waiting for the next song

love this special time with just Seth and me (thankful for babysitters)

we had such a fun time

sipping his "tea" (apple juice)

Seth and his best friend Blaine
just to add some excitement...this was the funnel cloud that touched down 2 weeks ago here at the lake (photo credit: Lake Ozark PD)

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