Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer is Coming!

It already feels like summer here in Texas! So I didn't waste any time getting Seth a pool for the backyard!  The provides hours of fun for him while this pregnant mom can sit in the shade under our porch with a huge bottle of water!  He loves to just sit and relax but also to splash all the water out.  Its really hard to get him out of the pool since he loves it so much...we will probably start swim lessons next summer! 
Spencer has Fridays off, so this week we decided to drive to Trinity Park and ride the train.  Seth was so excited, that he ran and got his train hat and train whistle and said, 'come on!' We ended up getting a free ride since the ticket taker was late!  He loved getting his picture made with the train and also riding and making the 'woo woo' sound!  After the ride we found a place to eat lunch, the weather was perfect and not too hot yet....he took a long nap when we got home!! The next day we pulled up all the big overgrown/dead shrubs in our front yard and replaced them with small shrubs and flowers (this will be in th next blog)  Enjoy the pictures below!

seth lounging in his new pool

soaking up the sun

trying to put his face in the water

waiting to ride the train

exploring with daddy while waiting to get on the train

looking at the extra train

he's ready to go

waiting paitienly
let's go!

picnic lunch after the train ride

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