Thursday, October 11, 2012

Noah 1 month...already?!

On October 8th Noah was 1 month old! September just flew by...Im not sure if it was because all the days seemed to run together or if it was because I now have 2 and dont have time to sit and think about how there seems to be no beginning and no end to each day.  Seth is still loving Noah and embracing the role of big brother. Seth's favorite things to do as a big brother are getting me a diaper for Noah and laying down next to him in the mornings while he 'plays' under his mobile on his mat.  Seth is also in the business of 'soothing' Noah by putting one of his own toys next to him if he's crying.  Seth seems to have such a soft heart!  At Noah's 2 week check up he weighed 8lbs 13oz (a whole pound heavier than at birth!).  He also received one shot and will get a host of others when he goes in for his 2 mo. appt in November!  Noah is working his way out of newborn sized clothes and into the next size up...he's growing so fast!  He is going to be our talker...he is always making some sort of noise which comes in the form of cooing, crying, grunting or smacking his lips.  He's a noisy sleeper and eater which you can't help but smile at.  He's sleeping anywhere from 2-4 hours at a time and he has figured out day and night time which means he will usually go right back to sleep after his feedings during the night which makes for a happy mom and dad!  Spencer is doing a great job at helping at night and whenever he can to allow me more sleep.  With 2 kids this time around, the whole sleep when the baby sleeps doesn't really exist since Seth could care less that Im tired and want to rest.  However, during the days when he's in school, I am able to rest when Noah does, so its works out pretty well!  Enjoy a few pictures of Noah at 1 month and some of Seth!
showing us a little smile

he was a good sport to let me take so many pictures

getting big so fast
my usual view in the mornings- Seth loves to lay next to him

this is what I see as Im coming out of the kitchen-Seth pretending to give Noah a shot

practicing saying cheese for picture day a school

he loves pumpkins this year

he helped me pick these out at the store

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