Friday, January 25, 2013

13 Things I will miss about TEXAS

13. Texas Rangers, Dallas Mavs, Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Stars- Love my Texas home teams!

12. HUGULEY fitness center- we love our gym just one exit down from our house! Everything about it was just perfect! It wasn't too big or too small. And I love the fact that they knew my name and our kids names too! The kids club area for the boys was amazing! Miss mindy and the other girls loved on our kids and knew them by name too! I'm gonna miss my little hometown gym!

11. The sweet southern accent- there's just something endearing and heartwarming about a thick southern drawl. The word y'all will be forever in my vocabulary.

10. The highway system- sounds crazy but FTW is so easy to navigate (if you can ignore the construction). Having lived here my whole life I kinda like knowing 10 different ways to get to one place! So I guess I will invest in a Garmin until I can figure out the Osage Beach area.

9. Texas Bluebonnets- I always look forward to spotting my first blue flower on the side of the highway between March and April. Here it's tradition to take family pictures in them...or just torture your kids while trying to keep up with this tradition! I must admit that I have tortured Seth with this tradition since he was born! Texans are so proud of this pretty little flower!

8. Chick-fil-a, Sonic and Starbucks and tex mex food on every corner - the lake only has Starbucks and a couple of tex mex places! It looks like I will have get my sweet tea and cherry limeade fix somewhere else for awhile.

7. Trains and planes-I never thought I would say this about the FTW trains! But it's really grown to be kind of comforting in a way. Seth always watches for trains or looks for tracks when we're out. It's hard to be anywhere in the metroplex without hearing a train, seeing a train (running or not) or train tracks. This is especially true if you've ever been near Southwestern Seminary...even more so if you've ever lived in their student housing and had your apartment shake when the train went by...then blew their 3am! I really am going to miss the FTW trains. There are always planes flying overhead either headed to DFW airport or the local spinks airport! I will miss the sound of them almost coming into our house!

6. SWBTS- Southwestern has been part of my life since 2005 and holds such great memories! There my faith grew and was challenged by professors, dear friends and accountability partners! I will miss seeing the rotunda and the new chapel off in the distance as I go over I-35 and I-20.

5. Dr. Worsley- He has been our boys' pediatrician from day one and we have never been disappointed! He has the best bed side manner with our kids and always has time for my questions! He will be very hard to replace!

4. CUMP- Crowley United Methodist Preschool was a great first school for Seth! He has learned so much from Mrs Tara his teacher! On the second day of school he gave her a hug...for those of you who know Seth, he doesn't give his hugs away easily! It just broke my heart to have to withdraw him. We are so thankful for all they have done!

3.The novelty that is Texas- What other state has the pride of Texas?! It comes out in various ways. It's shape is probably the most well known of the 50. I mean no other state makes cookies, corn bread or bricks that represent their state. Many restaurant chains have a Texas cheeseburger on their menu or you can buy Texas toast at the local store. Here you can have a Texas edition Ford pickup truck...Minnesota edition Ford pickup truck just sounds silly! Texas is also known for its "big Texas sky" because its so flat...I'm going to miss seeing for miles down the road. The fall brings the Texas state fair in Dallas and the new year brings the Fort Worth stock show and rodeo all of which I'm going to miss!

2. Friends- God has provided the right friends at the right time for us here during different stages of our lives, marriage and ministry while we've been in the Fort (aka Fort Worth). They have laughed with us and walked through life with us, loved on our boys and encouraged us spiritually. We will greatly miss the bi-annual camping trips ( even though we only went once due to schedules and babies) but we had such a memorable time! We couldn't have asked for a better group of friends! We love y'all!

1. Family- I have grown up and lived within a 15 mile radius my whole life. My family has always been a 30 minute drive away, sometimes less. So moving 9ish hours away is going to be very different. Now our time together each time will be even sweeter! Love you mom,dad, Steve, Julie and little Kaylee!! I miss you already!

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