Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Noah 11 months

Our Noah turned 11 months on Aug 8. This year has literally flown by! I guess it's just being busy with two littles that I don't have time to stop and think about it all. He weighs about 20lbs eats 3 meals a day with 1-2 snacks. We are slowly weaning him off the bottle (he can already dring from a sippy cup). I'm also mixing whole milk with formula and eventually he'll just be on milk. So ready to be off formula $$$ milk is so much cheaper! Fun facts about this month:
-he takes 2 naps a day
-smiles so easily
-plays well by himself or with Seth 
-wants to be anywhere Seth is and do what he's doing or play with what he's playing with
-eating more and more table food. He will try just about anything 
-he's in 12 month clothes. Can wear wear some 18 month too
-can say words like "mama" "dadda" "go" "ni ni" ( night night)
- he can mimic voice inflection 
-no longer cries when I drop him off at church nursery...most times 
- he's into everything. I mean everything. 
- he's our climber
- he can point to his belly button, head and foot if asked
- he loves to do patty cake 
- fast crawler
- can pull up easily and cruise around tables and the couch by holding on

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