Sunday, September 8, 2013


I can't say enough how fast this year has gone! Maybe it's because we have 2 now and I don't have time to sit and think about it most days. He's still a pretty relaxed kid most of the time. He really loves to be around Seth and play right beside him or mess up his perfectly stacked Legos. Noah already loves to wrestle and climb on Seth too, that will be much more interesting later. He's crawling everywhere and standing for a few seconds by himself. He's even taken one tiny step.  He can walk pretty well with a push toy but not great yet. Little man is sleeping thru the night really well and is taking 2 naps a day...sometimes 1 if the day is crazy, like Sundays. Good thing he's our more relaxed kid not to mention a little more adventurous and not as cautious as Seth. At his 1 yr check up he weighed 21lbs 10 oz (50%) and was 30in (60%). We are looking forward to his birthday party this weekend at our church!

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