Thursday, December 17, 2009

1 month

trying to get in a little tummy time

he love his little lion!

he loves to look around!

our morning playtime after breakfast

these are the pants that swallowed him just 6 wks ago

sleeping in the crib---success!!!

he looks kinda scared- you can tell his size because spencers shorts are the black things right next to him

at Gammies house

going for a walk with Gran, Pop, uncle Stew and aunt K

Well its hard to believe that Seth is already one month old. The individual days can sometimes drag on, but overall the time is flying by. We have had a few 'hiccups' over the past few weeks. Spencer had to take me to the ER a few weeks ago where I was told I had 2 kidney stones! Our sweet neighbor Melinda (who is a nurse) watched Seth until my parents could get there. When we walked into the ER we saw our pastor sitting there... the last person I was expecting to see there. He was visiting someone b/c he was obviously not in any type of pain. After I was released they put me on pain meds and Seth and I headed to my parents house so they could help me take care of him while I was heavily medicated. My mom (Gammie) and my dad (papaw) were a little spoiled after seeing him for such a long time. And I got spoiled having so much help 24/7. I ended up staying for about a week which was killer for Spencer and I to be apart. But he was so good, he came to see us every day after he got off work. I am feeling much better and have discovered so much about seth over the past few weeks, here's what has been happening:
-we have switched bottles, we now use the playtex drop-ins which have really helped with his gas

-he loves to be in the sling- mommy loves it too so she can have both hands free
-he has made great strides in the sleeping dept! he now sleeps in his crib--swaddled of course.

-he loves singing and playing with mommy and daddy in the morning and doing hand motions to different songs

-when being held, he somehow knows when you try to sit down---and politely tells you to stand back up by doing his tyridactile screech!

-when riding in the car, once we hit 60mph all scream ceases...oh but we hate sitting at red lights
-he is a good eater--4 oz every 2.5-3 hours

-he is losing the hair on the top of his head but still has a small patch on top--looks kinda funny

-the 3-6 month onsies fit him perfectly with a little room to spare

-he now has those cute arm and leg rolls---when do those stop being so cute

-the greatest milestone of all is that last night he slept for 3 hours straight in his crib, then 2, then 2 again---it was a glorious night for us all!

Spencer has been the model husband and dad and has been so helpful with Seth and with stuff around the house---I couldn't have asked for better. Seth also has about 50 or 60 new admirers--aka all the girls in the college ministry just love him. He was passed around all night at the Christmas party.

Seth loved getting to see his Gran and Pop (spencers parents) and his uncle stew and aunt K from Tennessee a few weeks ago and stayed up all night with seth so mom and dad could sleep!!!! He can't wait to see great Gran and pawcaw and other family in just a few days! Pray for our car ride to Memphis---it could get a little crazy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Labor of Love

Here's the birth story of Seth and lots of pics below:

He was born Wed. November 4th at 5:38pm

Spencer and I and pretty much the whole college ministry was praying the Seth did not come the weekend of Nov. 6-7 because we had a fall retreat in Glen Rose that weekend! However, on Monday the 2nd, I got some early indications that it could be sooner rather than later. I didn't freak out too much because I had a dr.'s appt wed. the 4th anyway. Tues and Wed. my braxton hicks contractions were getting more frequent and somewhat more painful and I was carrying my watch everywhere to time them. Anyway, Spencer and I went to my dr.'s appt nov. 4th at around 9am (by then I was 37 weeks and 1 day....technically full term) and my dr. said, 'well i think you're in early labor and you'll probably have a baby today!' She said you can check into the hospital now or you can go for a walk (it was absolutely beautiful that day) and grab lunch. Spencer and I were beyond excited, it was surreal, like this was actually gonna happen today...we were having a baby TODAY! So we ran home really quick to grab last minute things, ran to wal-mart to get a memory card for the video camera we just bought the day before....then we went to walk on Trinity Trails by TCU (spencer videoed us walking and was talking to Seth on the video :) and then went to eat at Panera Bread (one of our fav spots)....I just had a smoothie and was busy timing my now it was about 11:30am. We went to the triage first, to make sure that I was far enough along to be checked in...I was (I was at a 5 by now, and not really in that much pain) and the process of getting me all hooked up to machines began. I was now about 12:30pm. We got into our delivery room...which looked more like a hotel had 2 flat screen TVs! (Everybody loves Raymond was on while i was giving birth haha) We had great nurses...especially Ms. Jackson (she was a big black lady that was pretty funny and really knew what she was doing). Got my epidural around 1pm...honestly that was the worst part...I mean really a needle into your spine...didn't hurt, just stressful. But it worked...really well. I would bottle it and sell it if I could! Another hard part was just waiting for me to progress. I eventually got petocin...which sped things up so fast. Oh and Spencer was giving video updates about every hour (he kept it all G-rated). Well about 5:20-ish pm I was ready to push. I did about 3 sets of 3 pushes and that was it! He was born at 5:38pm! I didn't expect it to go that fast! But I was so excited to see his face...I couldn't believe he was here..our little boy! 6lbs 2oz. 19.25in long....and growing!

Our first walk around SeminaryThis is where he sleeps for now

haha he looks bored here

still a little small for his swing

just cuddling with my little boy

getting some daddy love

he obviously does not like going to the Dr....but who does

he love his daddy!

Our little boy is here!

close up shot

proud dad!

me holding Seth for the first time...he was obviously happy to see me, he just couldn't contain himself!

me in the middle of a contraction and waiting for the epidural to kick in

my last day to be pregnant...on the way to have Panera Bread to eat lunch and then head to the hospital

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hospital Info...

Here's the place where our Seth will make his big debut...Baylor All-Saints downtown on 8th and Magnolia in Fort Worth,Tx

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Showers of Blessing!

Over the past few weeks our family has been so blessed by our friends and church family! The first baby shower was hosted by my sister in law Julie, and my good friends Amber Edwards and Jana Eaves (who is due to have a little boy in Feb!). Alot of our college girls, and Gateway friends came to this one! It consisted of cute decorations, yummy cake, and fun games! The second baby shower was given by the Southcliff ministers and their wives! Rolanda Hairston did a great job with the sports theme...spencer and I entered the baby shower by running through a banner like football teams fun! We are so thankful to everyone who is making this time so special! I am scheduled for another dr. visit tomorrow so she can start checking for dialation--and will start going every week! I am officially 9 months pregnant today! Soon we will be holding our little boy!! 35 weeks...and still wearing heels!
1st baby shower given by Julie, Amber and Jana!

all the goodies from 1st baby shower

more goodies for Seth from the 2nd baby shower given by the minister's and their wives at Southcliff!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Seth got a new car!

Over the past month Spencer and I have been frantically searching for an SUV! With the help of his dad and Mr. Kinnard...we found an amazing deal! It ended up being newer than we had planned and has alot of extras! This Friday we are putting in Seth's car seat...then he will be riding in luxury! And yes, we traded in my mustang...not really a family car.

Seth and me at 33 weeks (8 months!) We are both doing great. He is almost head down...actually he's kind of diagonal when I asked the doctor to check his position. Hopefully he will make that last turn within the next few weeks! Our growing boy is a little over 4 pounds and probably around 18 inches long. He's quickly running out of room, but still moving around alot! I sleep for about 2 or 3 hours at a time now, due to being uncomfortable, leg cramps, changing positions and making trips to the ladies room. I am still walking just about everyday, although I'm trudging along at a much slower pace. But as of last week I've only gained about 20 pounds, which really surprises me, it feels like more! All of the college girls are getting really excited to meet Seth! Also a few of my friends Amber, Jana, and my sister in law Julie are throwing me a baby shower next weekend, very excited to see everyone at the same time! I'm still having those painless braxton hicks contractions through out the day, but last night I had a pretty painful one, but it never happened again...a taste of what's to come! Also this weekend Spencer and I are going to an all day labor and delivery class at the hospital...should be interesting!
Seth's changing table....there will be baskets on the shelves filled with diapers very soon!!

Seth's crib...minus the mattress and bedding....coming soon! I also bought letters from Hobby Lobby and painted them dark blue!!! More decorating to come!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Small Group Kick-off

We had our 2nd annual Small Group Kick-off across from TCU on Sunday Sept. 20th. There is kind of an interesting story behind this year's kick-off and an amazing testimony of how God is working in Southcliff's college ministry! Originally our kick-off was scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 13th. However, about 5 days before the 13th we got word that there was a mandatory sorority and fraternity meeting for ALL freshmen members on Sunday Sept 13th at the same time as our kick-off....ugh---this meant that hardly, if any freshmen would show up! So we called an emergency leadership meeting the next day to get ideas for an alternative plan. We thought about doing something right after church, but that was shot down pretty quickly. After much deliberation, we all decided that the 20th would be our best bet all around. After thinking about it and watching the weather, God really protected us...from a rain out! Because the original date for the kick-off (the 13th), it rained ALL day! We would have had to either cancel it or move it. But because we had already moved it to the 20th....the weather was cool enough and we had NO rain!! Our events team did a great job planning and setting up. We had free food- hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, dessert, etc! , a get-to-know your group session and then crazy team building games which included: a human-knot, waterballoon toss, and eating baby food!! God's timing and protection is continuing to amaze us each and every week. Just watching His hand at work and continuing to bring over 100 students each week is reminding us of how God is very much at work! We are so thankful for our 25 students leaders who are really doing a great job connecting with new students as well as older ones! This fall, Spencer is going through Colossians on Sunday mornings at Radius and the various groups are meeting for accountability, discussion, etc. all during the week!! I'm mentoring 4 girls this semester and Spencer is mentoring about 5-6 our weeks are pretty crazy, but we are loving it and can't wait to see what else God is going to do in our students as well as in us!!!
Lauryn (one of the college girls) wanted to sympathize with me by putting a balloon in her shirt! 1 of 5 amazing freshmen small groups!

Kim was such a good sport-yes she's eating baby food! I hope Seth likes it more than Kim did!

Monica, a TCU freshman, trying to help her team untangle the 'human knot'

One of the upperclassman groups trying to figure out how to untangle

Spencer loved using the megaphone!

About 80 students came to the kick-off!

Part of the group eating free food and getting to know each other!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Looking Back...

One year ago today, Sept. 14, 2008....Looking back, we are even more thankful for our little blessing from God....our little boy Seth, who will be here in about 10 weeks! You see, one year ago the unexpected happened. Miscarriage. I had not even told Spencer I was pregnant yet. He was in East Asia on a mission trip and I had been anxiously awaiting his arrival back home to tell him we were expecting! But my news to him would be heartbreak rather than joy. I was getting ready for church when it happened. It was killing Spencer not to be there. Neither of us could have forseen this coming. A year later we are even more convinced of the truth of Psalm 127:3 "Children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward." Six months later, both of us were in East Asia this time....and I was 4 weeks pregnant with Seth---but didn't know it yet! God's timing is perfect and at the same time so confusing to us in the process of it all. Not only do we take comfort in knowing our baby is safe with Christ right now, but that we will see our him or her again. A year later, I am 7 months along with our little boy, Seth, who is moving and growing so much! We cannot wait to see his handsome face in about 2 months!
We had a busy last few days getting ready and preparing for his arrival! Thursday we went to a huge consignment sale called "just between friends'" (JBF)! Best invention ever! Spencer and I got so many great deals! We got to go in early as first time parents! The pictures below show some of the great steals we got there! We ended up saving over $300 if we had bought all of this stuff at regular price. All of the items were in such great condition, the really look brand new! I was impressed! There is another one in Arlington in Oct. that we plan on hitting up! Friday we went and got Seth's stroller at Babies r Us--Spencer was pumped about this purchase! Again this item was a steal...I had a coupon and we also got 10% off! So we ended up paying less than the ticket price! I have to admit, I can't help but push it around our apt. sometimes! Also the crib and changing table have been ordered and should be here soon! We also went to test drive some SUVs! Spencer and I had been thinking and praying about what to do about the car situation for awhile. My mustang just isn't the model family car of choice. So the car situation is in the works and we are working on getting an SUV soon!! My hospital bag has also been packed and ready for the big day!!
Our amazing JBF purchases:
Diaper Genie-$10Bumbo seat--$10

Bouncy Seat (aka happy chair)--$6!!! in perfect condition

Tummy Time entertainment--$18


other random, but much needed stuff--all JBF stuff totaled $198, we saved over $300 if we had bought all of it at regular price!

our other JBF purchase--pack 'n play- only $70! perfect condition!

We are most excited about this one! Seth's stroller! We can't wait to push him around in it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

One crazy weekend!

Let me just start by saying that I am amazed that Spencer and I are both alive and well after last weekend! Ok, that’s really an exaggeration, but still it was pretty crazy!

It all started last Wed. when Spencer woke up and said, 'I think Im getting sick.' I gave him some medicine to take care of it (which, normally it does). But by the time he got home that night, he felt worse and his fever started to climb. We started to get a little worried because we had Frogapolooza and a church fair at TCU the next 2 days, a leadership retreat we were supposed to lead that weekend, and Radius kick-off (our college thing) on Sunday morning! The thought of swine flu was also running through our minds as Spencer's fever went up and then broke all through the night, esp. since he had been on TCU campus alot the week before. We went to the dr. the next day and he said it was NOT swine flu!!! But just a really bad cold virus and it would just have to run its course....GREAT! We ended up having our college students work the tables at Frogapolooza and the church fair, we hated missing those, but Spencer was practically in bed all day resting and running a fever....the highest was 102.9! We took it every 15 min. and I had ice packs on his head. Eventually it went down. I don't think I have ever washed my hands so much....not to mention I ended up sleeping on the couch for about a week so I wouldn't catch anything.

Well we made it to the leadership retreat, but didn't stay in the same house at the students, just in case Spencer got really sick. So we got a hotel close by and let some of our adult leaders take over while we weren't there! Thanks David, Lynn, Ryan and Nathan!!!! Spencer and I just came back to do the sessions...we really missed staying with our students, they are a blast!!

Spencer's fever didn't get over 100 again that weekend, which was good because our big Sunday for our college students was the next day! Radius kick-off was amazing...we had 130 students--our record so far! God was just so amazing to us, this is what we had been praying for all summer...not to mention that Spencer would be feeling good enough to speak that morning, which he did and he did an amazing job! Spencer is still coughing, but not very often and still feels tired sometimes, but I think its just his body recovering! Thanks to my mom for giving me pointers on how to bring a fever down....and also my nurse friend Joy for my late night calls about really high fever! During this whole ordeal I never got sick or had a fever! Praise God for protecting me and Seth! We made it through the weekend!!!

Spencer has started his 2nd year of PhD at Southwestern, this will be a pretty easy semester which is good because we will have Seth here in about 2 months, and I know he will be a pretty big and welcomed distraction from all that reading!

Well my 3rd trimester is here!! I am 7 months! Its so crazy, the 2nd trimester flew by, probably because I felt so good...too bad the first didn't go by as fast haha. I still feel really good, just getting tired more often. I still walk everyday and do some light weights, but I get out of breath easier now. I still have no swelling anywhere!! I had my glucose test on Wed. and will find out soon about the results. I will be really surprised if I tested positive for gestational diabetes. I have gained about 14 lbs so far, hopefully that will come off easily afterwards! I can't wait to start running again, I really miss it! Anyway, I am now going to the dr. every 2 weeks! I also pre-registered at the hospital this week and we lined up a pediatrician for Seth!! All my friends rave about him, so I will give him a try and see what happens.

Seth is moving so much now and sleeping is beginning to become something more like a fine art for me...pillows positioned just right, etc. He can now open and close his eyes and he's gaining more fat this month...hopefully! We cannot wait to meet our little boy! We are also planning on going to JBF this next week to see if we cannot find some amazing deals on stuff that we don't mind getting used. We've also received a few things from Spencer’s parents-- stroller, bath stuff, bibs, changing stuff...THANKS SO MUCH! And my mom is making Seth a blanket to match his room! (which we still haven't bought anything yet...guess we should get on that!)

On a final football started today!!!!!
Here are some pictures from the 'crazy weekend'
Our amazing leaders at the retreat

Meeting new TCU students at Radius kick-off

Spencer speaking to 130 students!!

28 weeks (7 months)